Tic Tack Toe (3D)

Here you see a 3 dimensional tic-tac-toe game.
(Dutch version pictured, but from this page you download the English version)
It is a two-player version, written for Windows computers.
Winner is the one who is the first to places three adjacent O or X characters horizontal , vertical or diagonal.

A single player may try to find the best strategy.

Download Tic-Tac-Toe by clicking the download (lightning) icon at the top of this page.
There is no installation procedure. Just copy the .exe file to a folder of choice.

There are three buttons:
    - cube : new game
    - arrow : take move back
    - lamp : analyse board state
Analyses displays the result of a move in each field.
W3 means : winning in 3 moves.
L5 means : losing in 5 moves.

Have fun!

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